Welcome! This site is where I provide young female chess players with updates on important chess news as well as upcoming girl's tournaments. It is also a site where young players and their parents / coaches can productively discuss or ask questions about various chess issues! Your comments are welcome and appreciated! *** WIN WITH GRACE, LOSE WITH DIGNITY! TM 2012 Susan Polgar © ***
I see one but in 5.
It's there, keep looking. :)
I found it!! The last move is beautiful!
This is a position from my game against ROLANDO SAYLO (Black).1. Nd5 Kc8 2. Qc6 Kb8 3. Rb1 Qb6 4. Qc7# Regards,Eve
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I see one but in 5.
It's there, keep looking. :)
I found it!! The last move is beautiful!
This is a position from my game against ROLANDO SAYLO (Black).
1. Nd5 Kc8 2. Qc6 Kb8 3. Rb1 Qb6 4. Qc7#
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