Sunday, March 15, 2009

Girls making history in Idaho!

I just received the following from Katie Abderhalden, a young female chess player from Idaho. I am very happy to see this kind of progress. Here is her letter:

Ms. Polgar,

I wanted to keep you informed about the situation in Idaho and I know that this would interest you.

Never before has a girl even placed at the Idaho Scholastic Championships. However, that changed yesterday. Not only did a girl ‘place’ in the top three Overall, but we swept the field by taking all three top spots. And two of us are still in middle school! The field consisted mostly of high school aged boys.

My best friend, Emily Patterson (age 14), and myself tied as Co-Champions with 41/2 points out of 5. (We drew in our game against each other.) So it came down to tie-breaks to determine trophy distribution. I received the first place trophy and Emily the second place trophy. Erica Barkell (age 17) came in third with 4 points.

And the three of us tied for the 2009 Idaho Girl’s State Championship two weeks ago!

The picture of us at the Scholastic Championships I sent, shows Emily in white, me in blue and Erica in black.

Girls Rock!
Katie Abderhalden

Way to go Katie, Emily and Erica! I am very proud of all of you!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice job! Congratulations!