Thursday, August 03, 2006

A word from ICA President Bill Brock

Hi folks,

Please help us spread the word about this great one-day event for girls next Tuesday! Thanks to GM Susan Polgar, Paul Truong, Sevan Muradian, Maret Thorpe, Bill Goichberg, and Bill Hall, among others, for helping to put this US Open side event (NOT LISTED IN CHESS LIFE!) together.

Bill Brock
Illinois Chess Association

The former Women's World Champion, Grandmaster Susan Polgar, in conjunction with the Susan Polgar Foundation, the United States Chess Federation, and the Illinois Chess Association, hosts a one-day event for girls on Tuesday, August 8, 2006, at the Doubletree Hotel in Oak Brook. Registration 9-10 a.m., trophy presentation at 4 p.m. Only $20!! (Lecture only OPEN TO ALL: $10). All proceeds donated to USCF and ICA by the Susan Polgar Foundation.

More info is here (Adobe Acrobat)

Register online at

10:30 a.m.- Lecture by Susan (30 to 45 minutes)

Rounds 1 thru 3: 11:30-1:00-2:30

4 p.m. Presentation of trophies for 1st-5rd each section & participation medallions Posted by Picasa

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