Here are some more details for the upcoming Susan Polgar National Championship for Girls:
1. Please let us know your flight arrival and departure information if you are flying in to Lubbock and would need help with transportation from the airport to campus. There are taxi service and rental cars at the airport.
2. Please let us know if you are driving or renting a car and therefore will need a parking pass on campus for $6 for the duration of the event (provide name of driver).
3. All participants will receive a complimentary pass to the TTU recreation center http://www.depts.ttu.edu/recsports/ Parents/coaches may also request one for $10 for the duration of the event. Please request it in advance as soon as possible!
4. TTU and the SPF provide free lodging on Campus (at the Gordon Hall dorm on Akron St.
http://www.ttu.edu/campusMap/buildings/gordon.php) for all participants of the SPNI, for up to six nights of stay (July 26 – August 1). Additional room nights are available for $25/pp/night based on double occupancy.
5. Coaches/parents are welcome to stay on the campus dorms as well for $25/pp/night based o on double occupancy (with player or other family member) or $40 for a single dorm room.
6. Meals are complimentary at the “Fresh Plate” (all-you-can-eat buffet style) for all participants of the SPNI starting with breakfast on July 27 and ending with dinner on August 1. There are numerous restaurants at walking distance on University Avenue to eat out on July 26 or August 2.
7. Parents/Coaches may sign up for the meal plan to join their daughters for $22/day.
8. All payments must be made upon arrival by check or cash!!!
9. The event (including the Opening and closing ceremonies) will be held at the Frazier Pavilion, which is 2-3 minute walk away from Gordon Hall dorms.
10. Meal times:
Breakfast 7:30am-9:00am
Lunch 11:30am-1:00pm
Dinner 5:30pm-7:00pm
11. TTU will offer a campus tour(s) at TTU.
12. We will have a basketball game and other optional fun activities.
13. Dress code. Generally causal, but we encourage a bit “nicer” for the opening and closing ceremonies.
See below the schedule of events.
July 26
6:00pm: “Warm-Up” Quads (G/30) at Lubbock Room of the STU building
July 27
1:30pm–2:30pm: Opening Ceremony
3:00pm–6:30pm: Round 1 of SPNI
July 28
1:30pm–5:00pm: Round 2 of SPNI and round 1 of Parents/Friends Open
7:00pm: SPNI Chess Puzzle Solving Championship
7:30pm: Free chess lecture by Susan
July 29
1:30pm–5:00pm: Round 3 of SPNI and round 2 of Parents/Friends Open
7:00pm: SPNI Blitz Championship
July 30
1:30pm–5:00pm: Round 4 of SPNI and round 3 of Parents/Friends Open
7:00pm: SPNI Bughouse Championship
July 31
1:30pm–5:00pm: Round 5 of SPNI and final round of Parents/Friends Open
August 1
10:00am–1:30pm: Round 6 of SPNI
2:30pm: Closing Ceremony
will the pairing will be posted every night or only several minutes before a round?
Probably after dinner each day on this blog, my main blog, and at the dorm.
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
Hi Susan: Does the TTU rec center have a space for yoga with a wood floor? and are the dorms and the space that the tournament is to be held at air conditioned? thanks much!
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