Sections: Primary (K-2), Elementary (3-5), Middle School (6-8), High School/ Adults U1600
March 5-7, 2010 | Carefree Resort | 37220 N Mule Train Rd, Carefree 85377 | Game/45
Friday, March 5
6:30 PM Puzzle Solving Championship
7:00 PM Bughouse Championship (Open to All Scholastic Players) Round 1
7:30 PM Bughouse Championship Round 2
8:00 PM Bughouse Championship Round 3
8:30 PM Bughouse Championship Round 4
9:00 PM Bughouse Championship Round 5
Saturday, March 6
9:15 AM Main Event Round 1
11:30 AM Main Event Round 2
1:30 PM Main Event Round 3
3:30 PM Main Event Round 4
6:00 PM Blitz Championship Round 1
6:30 PM Blitz Championship Round 2
7:00 PM Blitz Championship Round 3
7:30 PM Blitz Championship Round 4
8:00 PM Blitz Championship Round 5
Sunday, March 7
9:00 AM Main Event Round 5
11:00 AM Main Event Round 6
1:00 PM Main Event Round 7
3:30 PM Awards Ceremony
5:30 PM Susan Polgar 64 Board Simultaneous Exhibition
Carefree Resort, 37220 N Mule Train Rd, Carefree AZ 85377 480-488-5300 @ $129
Main Event: (All Scholastic Sections): Laptop Computer to 1st, $200 (in Chess Prizes) to 2nd, $150 to 3rd $100 to 4th, $50 to 5th
All the above are in kind, chess prizes such as chess books/DVDs, etc and not a cash prize. Digital Clock to 7-0 score, Trophies to top 20 Individuals, Trophies to top 3 teams, Medals to 21st-30th Individuals, Medals to 4-6th Teams, Trophies to top 3 Parent/Child/Sibling Teams. Adult
Section: $300-$200-$150-$100 in cash prizes, based on 20 paid entries. Scholarships to Texas Tech University will awarded based in part on the performance in this event. Please visit the tournament website for more details.
Bughouse Championship: Trophies top 10 teams.
Blitz Championship: Primary - trophies to top 10, Elementary – trophies to top 10, Middle School – Trophies to top 10, High School / Adult U1600 – trophies to top 5
Puzzle Solving Championship: Trophies to top 3 individuals.
Entry Fees:
Main Event: $55 by 1/29; $59 by 2/12; $65 by 2/26; $69 after.
On Site registration will receive Rd 1 (1/2 pt) bye. USCF & ASCF Rated (Current Membership for either organization is sufficient)
Puzzle Solving Championship: $15 if by 2/26; $20 after. Registration closes 5:30pm Fri 3/5.
Bughouse Championship: $20 (Team) by 2/26; $25 (Team) after. Registration closes 6:00pm.
Susan Polgar 64 Board Simultaneous Exhibitions: $25 by 2/26; $30 after. Registration ends 15 minutes prior to Start Time. Limit to 1st 64 players.
Blitz Championship: $20 by 2/26; $25 after. Registration closes 5:30pm.
Registration Information
To Register on-line Visa/Mastercard, go to www.chessemporium.com
To Register by phone with credit card call: 602-482-4867
To Register by fax with Visa/Mastercard number: 602-494-6025
To Register by mail, send check or Visa/Mastercard number to:
Chess Emporium, 10801 N. 32nd St. # 6, Phoenix, AZ 85028
All entrants must meet grade and qualification requirements, and have current membership in
the American Scholastic Chess Federation (ASCF) or United States Chess Federation (USCF) to
be in the main event. For more info, call 602-482-4867.
10801 N. 32nd St. #6
Phoenix, AZ 85028